Training Programs
Requirements for Narradrama Facilitators
Training for Narradrama Facilitators is available in the intensive format outside of the US and in the US in an extended format which is taught over a longer period of time.
Narradrama combines concepts of Narrative therapy with Drama Therapy and the Creative Arts. This approach offers action-oriented methods (projective, psychodramatic and externalizing) with the hope of encouraging personal agency and awareness of unique outcomes and alternative stories. Participants are invited to utilize Narradrama to restory their life and shape their future in a preferred way.
Narradrama borrows freely from psychology, sociology, anthropology, experimental theatre, music, dance, and poetry. All of these forms of expression may, at various times, be helpful to the participant in expanding their awareness of their internalized narratives and/or in considering alternatives to a problem as well as possible solutions.
While traditional narrative therapy utilizes primarily “talk therapy”, narradrama draws from and incorporates all of the creative arts. For example, dancers or athletes might be accustomed to communicating with their body, while painters might be more comfortable communicating visually. Narradrama also consists of a therapist/facilitator that collaboratively interacts with an individual or a group of participants, instead of acting in a privileged, authoritative position (i.e. patriarchy).
Narradrama Training Programs:
Requirements for Narradrama Facilitators:
Training for Narradrama Facilitators is available in the intensive format outside of the US and in the US in an extended format which is taught over a longer period of time.
Degree Requirements:
Master’s Degree in Theatre or Psychology (or related approved master’s), Master’s in Communication Studies or Master’s in Education.
Psychology or Theater background
9 units in theater or 126 hours of volunteer work in community or improvisational theatre
9 units of psychology upper division classes (i.e. Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Theory or Group Psychotherapy or other approved Psychology classes)
9 units of drama therapy core classes (Drama Therapy for Personal Growth (Fundamentals), Sociodrama and Psychodramatic Techniques, Drama Therapy with Special Populations) or other approved Drama Therapy classes
Communication Studies background
9 units in theater or 126 hours of volunteer work in community or improvisational theater
9 units (Communication based) Instructional Communication, Performance Studies, Interpersonal Communication, or Intercultural Communication)
9 units of drama therapy core classes: Drama Therapy Personal Growth (Fundamentals), Sociodrama and Advanced Psychodramatic Techniques, Drama Therapy with Special Populations or other approved Drama Therapy classes.
​Educational Studies background
9 units in theater or 126 hours of volunteer work in community or improvisational theater
9 units (Education Based) Storytelling for Teachers, Creative Methods and Reflections in Teaching, Creative Drama in Education or other approved Education classes.
9 units of drama therapy core classes (Drama Therapy for Personal Growth (Fundamentals), Sociodrama and Advanced Psychodramatic Techniques, and Drama Therapy with Special Populations or other Drama Therapy approved classes
Coursework—12 units
Clinical Uses of Narradrama (3 units) – (or four separate classes- (3 units)
Introduction to Narradrama Steps (1 unit-2 days)
Transformational Stories (1 unit-2 days)_
Pivotal Moments (.5 unit 1 day)
Narradrama and Neuroscience (.5 unit 1 day)
Narradrama Beginning Techniques (A) (1 unit- 2 days)
Intersectional Identities in the Therapeutic Encounter (.5 unit- 1 day)
Allies in Healing: Narradrama and Narrative Therapy: A (.5 unit- 1 day)
Restoried Script Performance (3 units)
Narradrama with Special Population- (Choose One) (.5 units 1 day)
Children and Teens
Narradrama Field Work and Internship (3 units- 100 hours of Internship/Fieldwork)
Narradrama and Mindfulness (A) (.5 unit- 1 day) or approved Narradrama elective
Master’s level Internship Requirement
400 hours of supervised work in Narradrama (1 to 10 hours to supervision ratio- --may count preparation hours).
Course Substitutions for Prerequisites
Specific prerequisites and competencies in drama, creative arts, and psychology that are different from the above would need to be considered on an individual basis.
Narradrama Facilitator Award
Upon completing course requirements, prerequisites, internship and professional hours, participant will receive NARRADRAMA FACILITATOR AWARD. Receiving this award demonstrates a level of proficiency required to facilitate Narradrama processes with groups or individuals in clinical, educational, business or community settings.
Requirements for Narradrama Trainers:
Complete Facilitator Training Award in Narradrama and all prerequisites for that Award. Master’s Degree in Psychology, Theatre, Drama Therapy, Communications or Education or other approved Master’s Degree
Additional Prerequisites
3 units narrative therapy (university accredited courses or workshops)
6 additional units drama therapy core classes (Creative Drama, Research and Assessment in Drama Therapy or advanced approved drama therapy electives)
500 hours (includes clinical, supervision and preparation time- 1 to 10 ratio)
Coursework 11 Units
Narradrama as a Three Act Play (3 units)
Narradrama Advanced Techniques (B) (1 unit- 2 days)
Allies in Healing: Narrative and Narradrama (B)(.5 unit – 1 day)
Narradrama and Trauma (1 unit) (Choose two .5 unit classes)
Exploring Trauma Through Metaphor: Narradrama Tools and Techniques in Working with Trauma Survivors
Navigating the Journey Through Trauma and Loss with Narradrama
A Healing Centered Approach to Trauma Integrating Narradrama
Narradrama Special Topic or Narradrama for Special Population (Total 1 unit) ( Choose two .5 unit classes, not completed in the Facilitator Training)
Women’s Issues,
Teens and/or Children,
Indigenous or Marginalized Groups
Narradrama in Community, Education or Business (.5 unit 1 day) or Narradrama Special Topic (.5 unit 1 day) or Narradrama Research (.5 unit- 1 day)
Narradrama and Mindfulness (B) (.5 unit, 1 day).or approved Narradrama elective
Narradrama with Indigenous or Marginalized Groups (.5 unit, 1 day) or approved Narradrama elective
Narradrama Field Work and Teaching ( 3 units- 100 hours of field work- )
Professional Hours Requirement
Participants will complete 500 professional/fieldwork and teaching hours with two different populations. Supervision occurs in a 1 to 10 ratio and participants also count preparation hours.
Narradrama Trainer Award
Upon completing course requirements, prerequisites, and professional/fieldwork and teaching hours, participant will receive NARRADRAMA TRAINER AWARD. Receiving this award demonstrates an advanced level of proficiency to train others in Narradrama.
Continuing Education Requirements for Narradrama Trainers
Trainers are required to submit Continuing Education (CE) units of related work of 20 hours for every three years after receiving the NARRADRAMA TRAINER AWARD. Send documents verifying hours to pamela@dramatherapyinstitutela.com
Narradrama Training: Additional Information
Contact: Pamela@creativetherapiescenter.com