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Narradrama Amidst the Turmoil of War in Russia
A conversation on what it's like to practice narrative psychotherapy and Narradrama amidst the trauma in Russia.

Rick Feltington
Dec 9, 20229 min read
The Student Journey: An interview with Alysan Aechen Martinez
We check in with the passionate Alysan Aechen Martinez to hear about what she has been learning in her work placement.

Pam Dunne
Dec 3, 20224 min read
Silenced Stories: Voices of Russian Citizens
Silenced Russian citizens express themselves in writing.

Rick Feltington
Dec 1, 20229 min read
Narradrama Amidst the Turmoil of War in Russia
A conversation on what it's like to practice narrative psychotherapy and Narradrama amidst the trauma in Russia.

Rick Feltington
Oct 20, 20222 min read
Through the Rocky Terrain
Chelsea Hanawalt writes about using video to process emotions.
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